Quality Poetry

Are you working on publishing a book of poetry and need an editor to help refine the work? Do you have a collection and aren’t sure how they all fit together? I am here to help you edit your poetry, check for spelling and grammar while allowing for poetic license, and offer ways to improve what you want to say.

As a poetry author myself, I know how precious each poem is to the one who wrote it and I promise you I will respect your voice and your message as we refine and bring out the best in every line.

Having a great poetry editor is invaluable

I’ve been publishing my own poetry and have edited the work of others since 2003. From my very first book I knew the importance of having other people’s eyes on my words – people who could suggest changes, who noticed themes across the pages, and who could tell me to rewrite something because they knew I could do better. After publishing four poetry books of my own along with editing the poetry of other authors, here are several things I’ve learned:

  • You always need another set of eyes on your words for others will find errors you missed
  • There are themes in your book you may not have noticed but your editor will
  • There are poems you want to take out but those are the poems people will love
  • People write in different styles and they are all needed voices
  • I’m not the only poet who loves to write about water and stars
I value each poet’s voice

As a published poet myself, I know the importance of respecting each person’s different style and voice. From short poems to long, from a child’s perspective to an adult, we all tell our truths and share what we notice in this beautiful and complex world in different ways. I am firm believer that all voices deserve their place on the page. Keeping your voice in mind, I’m here to help you see what you may have missed, to make suggested changes and to tell you what really moved me. Together, we will publish you best poetry.

A poetry editor helps you shape the book

As your poetry editor, I not only help you make every poem the best it can be but I can also help you shape the book itself and get it ready to publish. There is a larger story and larger themes in any collection that must be thought about and shaped to help the reader take the journey with us. Along with editing, I am here to:

  • give professional and constructive feedback
  • prepare a manuscript for publication
  • put the poetry in order
  • help you decide whether to keep that comma or not
  • assist with line breaks
  • help you think about and write the front and back material

“Thank you for the wonderful editing, book and cover design. I continue to marvel at how beautiful the book is and what good work you and I did together!”

Nancy Richard

Gathered in Love and Light

What is the process?

  1. Initial Contact: To start the process, I first need some basic information about yourself including the poems you want edited. I will hold anything you send me in the strictest confidentiality. As a poet myself, I know how personal poems can be.
  2. Estimate and Contract: I will provide you with an accurate estimate on the mutually agreed upon scope of work. Unless you request additional services, that will be the cost of the project with no hidden fees or surprises. We will then both sign a contract with the outline of the work to be done and the cost of editing and you can send in the deposit to start work.
  3. Editing: Depending on the agreed scope of work, I will edit all the poems in addition to any other services you would like and send them to you over email. After you have had a chance to look the poems over, we can talk via video, over the phone, or in person to answer any questions you may have and to talk about the changes. (I live in Salem, Oregon, USA.)
  4. Additional Feedback: Sometimes there are a couple of poems needing a second round of editing after you’ve made the first round of changes. We’ll make sure all the poems are the best they can be before completing the project.
  5. Completion: I will invoice you for the remaining balance after making sure you are 100% happy with the work completed.

Need more help?

Poetry Book Design

We love photography! Our passion is to capture the wedding, moment or people in such a way that you will be amazed by the end result! We love light, quality and our photo’s are fresh, light and full color.

Ebook Coding

Whether you want an ebook to go along with your printed text so they look the same or are publishing an ebook only, a professionally coded book will stand out among the competition, make the text easier to navigate, and let people know you are a serious author.

Author Consultation

When self-publishing a book, you want someone with you who has been there saving you time and energy. As an experienced publisher, we’ll talk about the road ahead to get your book published and what changes you can make for your project to be successful.

Tell me about your book